CET Piloting Workshop – A Success in Brussels

CET Piloting Workshop – A Success in Brussels

Connect International in collaboration with the Generation Why Not held in October a piloting workshop, as part of the Communicate, Engage, Transform (CET) project, aimed at empowering participants with essential skills to drive meaningful change in their...
Training of Trainers held as a part of CET project!

Training of Trainers held as a part of CET project!

Training of Trainers within the Project Communicate-Engage-Transform (CET) aimed to enhance youth organizations’ communication skills. By improving these capacities, organizations can develop effective strategies, increase audience engagement, and boost local youth...
Results of the AI4Youth Research have been published!

Results of the AI4Youth Research have been published!

We are pleased to announce that the AI4Youth research has been completed and is now available for consultation. This report is the result of extensive research analyzing how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education and employment for young...
The Second DYOu Virtual Fair

The Second DYOu Virtual Fair

The second virtual fair was successfully implemented on the DigitalYOu platform on June 12, 2024. This interactive online event brought together youth organizations from all around Europe and enabled them to present their work, values, activities, and...