The first in-person meeting within the yEUcycling project was done, gathering representatives of partners and methodology experts with a goal to work on creating methodological approach that will ensure development of the social activism based on cycling...
The finding of the 2 researches conducted within the “yEUcycling” can now be accessed online. The first research had a goal to examine the capacities of cycling sports clubs to engage in social activism, while the second one aimed at analysing the...
We are excited to extend an invitation to youth trainers and facilitators for a training program that will empower them to unlock the full potential of their organizations. The DigitalYOu ENGAGE Training of Trainers presents a step-by-step approach of learning,...
We are happy to announce that WE, THE GUARDIANS platform has arrived and can be accessed at! The platform is developed within the project “We the Guardians” which is implemented by organizations and sports clubs from Serbia and North...
The capacity-building training for staff of the consortium members within the project “We the Guardians” was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from January 25 to 29, 2023. The purpose of the training was to enhance the skills of participants in...
DigitalYOu Hackathon was held in Belgrade between 11 and 15 December 2022. The event gathered young, creative and tech-savvy people from several European countries in order to enable them to work with experts and mentors on developing an innovative and...