“Connecting through music with Maribor International Orchestra”
The importance of the project:
Our goals for 2011 were clear from the start. Moreover, since the associate music, goals are set high, and in order to reach them and be successful, there was no hesitation town. The purpose of the project is to connect, educate, promote and encourage talented young musicians in order to reach perfection in the new cultural environment, and to highlight the cultural diversity that encourages positive social change. Words on paper are clear, but doubt today finds its cause in the environment, society and time.
However, the project time and the years shows its maturity and true objectives – became successful. Indeed, the musician is at home where it can create. He does not need much space, just peace, inspiration, connections with colleagues with whom can share experience, seek a response and progress. Even in an alien environment, unfamiliar country, unfamiliar city. Only when the city begins to hear, when he is able to hear the sounds of instruments among all daily and evening sounds of the city, when they are not trying to avoid the sound of instruments, when not closing the windows in front of them, but when it starts to follow them until they and views do not reach . When vortex stops and the city starts to listen, we need to stop and listen to music and only then the musician felt like I was at home. Anyone can listen only if he wants to take time. Why not?
Young people should not be ignored. They must be seen, heard, we must find time why they want. The question is what they need, what they lack, how can I be more successful. The most important thing is to listen to them, if we want to provide young people the opportunity to attend master classes, and to connect with the professors with whom would eventually be able to continue their studies. Such, personal contact is often much more valuable than the entrance examination. The experience that participants wear business successfully executed the program on our orchestral academy is unique. Performing works Mahler, Strauss, Berlioz and – for the most totally unknown Slovene maestro symphonic music – Lojze Lebič, is a challenge which they can respond to only those who are fully responsible and respected art. And that requires great courage and is itself a virtue.
MacLaurin Media, our partner from London, known PR and marketing agency, was responsible for the international promotion of the project, which gave a great result now in the field of visibility of the project. We have become recognizable in the announcements in international music magazines, such as the BBC Music Magazine, Gramophone, Classic FM, Das Orchestra. The musicians are drawn into a program of Orchestral Academy, teachers who participate and good experience of their colleagues who have already participated in the program, I recommend it. Visit our website also inspire young musicians, and evidence that the attendance by 88,000 visitors from 88 countries. Facebook and Twitter use to nurture the relationship with old and new participants. We are glad to hear about the successes of our old participants (season 2009 and 2010) around the world who participated in the Academy and managed to get a job in the great orchestras.
Although we are at the beginning of this year had many questions, at the end of the project, after the concerts, travel and tours, with a laugh, socialize, selfless musical expression, we have come to this that each question “why” received its noble “because”.
The organization of the project:
The announcement of the program and call for participants published at the end of December 2010. The application for an audition for orchestral academy 2011 lasted until March 15, while applications for Master 2011 was open until 25 May 2011.
Orchestral Academy 2011 lasted 24 days, from 12 July to 4 August 2011. Tour 2011 was organized in the period from 21 July to 4 August 2011 in the cities of Varazdin (Croatia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Belgrade (Serbia) and Vienna (Austria).
Project coordinator from Serbia Citizens Association BUM, and the wearer of the whole project Cultural Association of Music nut Ljubljana in Slovenia
Other co-organizers of the project are:
– Cultural and Artistic Institute Workshop Maribor, Slovenia
– Organization of cultural cooperation INTERKULTURA, Macedonia
– MacLaurin Media, United Kingdom
– National Theater in Brno – Janáček Opera, Czech Republic
– Festival Ljubljana, Slovenia
The project is supported by the European komisija- Culture Program 2007-2013, the European Capital of Culture Maribor -2012, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Culture of Serbia, Municipality of Maribor, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Ljubljana, Embassy of the Republic of Nemčke in Ljubljana, Terme Maribor, Music Academy Belgrade, Nikon GMBH Slovenia, Slovenian percussion duo, the music Center Adams, the Orchestra of the Army of Slovenia, Avis, Porsche Maribor and Foundation Blaise bulbs, Narodni dom Maribor, Konservatorijum for music and ballet Matibor,
During the orchestral academy in 2011 attended by more than 250 musicians from 38 countries of the world.
Master courses in 2011:
– Master course trumpets prof. Reinhold Friedrich
(12 active participants – from Slovenia, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Turkey)
– Master course violin prof. Petals Honda Rosenberg
(7 active participants – from Slovenia, South Korea and Germany)
– Master course cello prof. Jens-Peter Mainca
(12 active participants – from Slovenia, Spain, Russia, South Korea, Austria, France, Serbia and the Netherlands)
– Master course trombone prof. Branimir Slokar
(10 active participants – from Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Finland, Hungary, China and Taiwan)
– Master course timpani prof. Raymond Curfs
(6 active participants – in Germany and Slovenia)
– Master Course for Conductors prof. Klaus Arp
(7 active participants – from Slovenia, Italy, Russia and South Korea)
– Master course viola prof. tungsten Christ
(11 active participants – from Slovenia, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, France and Germany)
Round tables – as a part of the MIO 2012 organized three workshops, where participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the mechanisms of the structural approach to youth involvement in the education process, as well as to develop personal skills in order to have more opportunities for employment.
Workshop 1 – name: From amateur to performers – Learn more about education in different countries.
Achieved objectives session are:
– raised awareness of formal and informal education,
– as a key competence is represented by “learning to learn”
– considering the availability of the desired professors,
– perceived opportunities to study in different countries,
– now realized information about scholarships,
– analyzed the conditions necessary for the successful development of amateur to profesionalonog performers.
The working group participants have come up with the following recommendations:
– The student must be brave
– You must use other people’s experiences
– You must think about the possibilities that they have in their country
– You must make personal decisions and to think about the opportunities presented to him abroad
– Go … try … do not wait
– Participate in master courses
– Rely on positive and personal attitude
– Be flexible
– Try that of you to create a friendly relationship with professors. Professors have to meet you.
– Be an active player in the process of learning
Workshop 2 – Title: Understand the background – from composer to performer
Achieved objectives session are:
– Raised awareness of the knowledge and skills necessary for effective functioning of the orchestra.
– emphasized the importance of understanding the background of the composition and composer.
– is considering cooperation with the conductor and fellow musicians
– pointed to how the music closer to the audience and talk about the relationship between performer – listener.
The qualities of good musicians are discipline, attention, mutual listening, reading composition, tolerance, quick read, easy adjustment of attitudes, sense of tempo and rhythm. The educational system and teachers are required to support the development of these qualities.
Of course, the musicians have to have talent, in order to cope with all of these requirements, but must and a lot to learn to be good students, to understand the conductor I listened to the orchestra. They created a short version of the model that serves as a very clear recommendations and support for all participants:
1. Preparation – exercise, knowledge of musical works
2. Communication among the performers – listening, patience, information
3. Ratio of motivation and – tolerance, discipline, confidence
Another recommendation is that young musicians have to learn how to be team players, how to create a good relationship with each other, how to be motivated and persistent when it comes to a high level of social intelligence.
Workshop 3 – Title: Looking for a job or job requires me
Achieved objectives session are:
• Ispitatane employment opportunities for young musicians
– Raised awareness of participants about their future development
– ordered the participants on possible ways of training and practice
– Raised awareness of the importance of team and teamwork
The participants came to the following conclusions:
– Acquaintances !!!
– Participation in the orchestra for young people – often !!
– School and amateur projects
– Classes with orchestral musicians / master classes
– Participation in as many auditions – take a risk / also projects without compensation
– Lack of time due to the classes / job
– The absence of auditions around
– Strong competition
In the opinion of the participants of the workshop were very successful and important. Their recommendation to proceed with organizing them within MIO2012. They suggested the following topics:
– The pressure on young musicians to behave as professionals in the early years of education
– Stress on auditioning for a job in an orchestra
– How to find motivation
– Koncetrisanje to work – gaining experience
– About teachers for individual instruments in different countries
– Fear of appearances
– Scholarships and studies in different countries
Orchestral Academy 2011
She participated two conductor Klaus Arp and Mercury Ploj Peršuh.
There were four auditions in: Belgrade (26 March), London (March 27), Barcelona (29 March) and Ljubljana (April 1). There is also the possibility that the candidates by mail send audio-video recording on the basis of which also participated in the audition.
Symphony Orchestra
Symphony Orchestra consisted of participants from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Macedonia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain, United Kingdom, Ukraine and the United States.
Half the average age of the participants of the Academy
There were 37 men and 55 women. The average age of participants was 23 years.
Concerts in 2011
In 2011 held a total of 13 concerts.
opening concert
Opening concert was held on 15 July 2011 in Union Hall in Maribor.
The program:
• Urška Pompe: rotor blow-off (first embodiment)
• Richard Wagner: Siegfried Idyll
• Bohuslav Martinu: La Revue Cui
• Instructors and participants MIO2012 Orchestral Academy 2011
• Live Ploj Peršuh
Concert closing of the Master Course 2011
In 2011, there were 6 kocerata closing Master courses:
• 16 July – Concert closing Master Course trumpet 2011
• 17 July – Concert closing Master Course violins and cellos 2011
• 19 July – Concert closing Master Course trombone 2011
• 25 July – Concert closing Master Course timpani 2011
• 26 July – Concert closing Master Course dirigivanja 2011 with the Symphony Orchestra Orchestral Academy 2011
• 28 July – Concert closing Master Course viola 2011
Concerts Symphony Orchestra Orchestral Academy 2011
There were two concerts of the Symphony Orchestra in Union Hall in Maribor:
1) 21 July – orchestral Symphony Orchestra Academy 2011
• Klaus Arp
• Tamara Banješević – soprano
The program:
• R. Strauss: Don Juan, Op. 20
• G. Mahler: Blumin
• Mahler: Symphony No. 4 in G
2) Jul 30 – Symphony Orchestra Orchestral Academy 2011
• Live Ploj Peršuh
• Wolfram Christ – Viola
The program:
• L. Lebič: Korant
• R. Strauss: Happy jokes Til Eulenspiegel, Op. 28
• H. Berlioz: Harold in Italy, Op. 16
The tour Orchestral Academy 2011
During the tour were held concerts in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Austria.
I) Croatia – King Tomislav Square, Varazdin
Jul 21 2011 – Symphony Orchestra Orchestral Academy 2011
• Klaus Arp
• Tamara Banješević – soprano
The program:
• R. Strauss: Don Juan, Op. 20
• G. Mahler: Blumin
• Mahler: Symphony No. 4 in G
II) Slovenia – Ljubljana Festival (Marjan Kozina Hall, Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra)
31 July 2011 – Symphony Orchestra Orchestral Academy 2011
• Live Ploj Peršuh
• Wolfram Christ – Viola
The program:
• L. Lebič: Korant
• R. Strauss: Happy jokes Til Eulenspiegel, Op. 28
• H. Berlioz: Harold in Italy, Op. 16
III) Serbia – Hall Kolarac, Belgrade
August 2, 2011 – Symphony Orchestra Orchestral Academy 2011
• Live Ploj Peršuh
• Wolfram Christ – Viola
The program:
• L. Lebič: Korant
• R. Strauss: Happy jokes Til Eulenspiegel, Op. 28
• H. Berlioz: Harold in Italy, Op. 16
IV) Austria – Votive Church, Vienna
3 August 2011 – Symphony Orchestra Orchestral Academy 2011
• Klaus Arp
• Tamara Banješević – soprano
The program:
• R. Strauss: Don Juan, Op. 20
• G. Mahler: Blumin
• Mahler: Symphony No. 4 in G
Media about MIO2012
MIO2012 the total appeared in 135 media:
– Print media: 59
– Internet media: 54
– Radio: 14
– Television: 8
Source: Clipping Ltd.
Press conference
There were two press conferences: on 21 June and 27 July 2011.
Different variants of the ad in full color published in journals: Gramophone, Music, ClassicFM and Das Orchester.
Newspaper bulletins on international educational project in Maribor were to transfer radio stations which have 5.4 million listeners each week.
The social network
Facebook, You Tube, Twitter
The identity of the project:
From promotional materials distributed are:
– 10,000 letaka- who were sent to 500 different schools, academies and other musical institutions
– 1,500 postera- who posted up in 500 different schools, academies and other musical institutions
– 300 brochure
– 165 diplomas
– 2,200
– 150 posters (70x100cm)
– 80 billboards (400x300cm)
– Written invitations were sent to 10,000 different address.
– Promo material in the form of T-shirts, bags, pens and umbrellas, torbui for clothing …
Web page, in 2011, was visited by 82,000 people from 88 countries of the world.
Organizing team MIO 2012
Vladimir Stojanovski – Coordinator of the project on behalf of Citizens’ Association BUM
Jelena Spasovic – assistant on the project in front of the Associations of Citizens BUM
Ivanka Mulec Ploj – President of the Cultural Association of Music nut Ljubljana
Tomo Peršuh – Director of Cultural and Artistic Institute Workshop Maribor
Franc Kosem – Director of the Academy Orkestarske
Živa Ploj Peršuh – Art Director
Petra Ferlič – Administration Manager
Žiga Brlek – Tour manager
Blaž Ploj – Assistant
Andreja Zupanc – Assistant
Ana Vider – Assistant
Uroš Primožič – Tehnička Podrška
Mateja Kralj – archivist
Lena Likar – Graphic Design
Lucija Pavlovič – coordinator of partner organizations Cultural Association of Music nut Ljubljana
Zoran Velkovski – coordinator of partner organizations Organization kulturnu saradnju Interkultura
Rania Johnson – coordinator of partner organizations Maclaurin Media
Rocca – coordinator of partner organizations Brno National Theater – opera Janačekova
Davorina Čebular – Administrator Cultural Association of Music nut Ljubljana