Balkan Youth Union (BYU), EBCO Balkan – Belgrade office and Union of highschool pupils, all members of PEACE POLICY NETWORK in Serbia, organized an activity stands for the INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY celebration in Belgrade, in Pionirski park on 21st of September.
By this activity, we joined to gallery Ozone and NGO Umece zivljenja in order to celebrate PEACE DAY in our country for the first time this year.
The activity was funded by PAX CHRISTI Netherlands, thanks to the engagement of Mrs Sladjana Dugonjic Del Castillo.
Our activity was very specific and, according to its purpose, very original and unique.
Thanks to the help of Ethnographic museum, we managed to rent 6 pannels which we used to hold two different blank pvc banners with two different questions for our citizens:
–    1st one was: WHAT DOES PEACE MEAN TO ME?
–    2nd one was: WHAT IS DISTURBING ME?

All citizens that came to Pionirski park had a unique opportunity to express their feelings, their pains, their wishes and their dreams by writing their personal perceptions of peace and their personal perception of disturbance and disorder, anxiety.

Two question were enough to provocate citizens to open their souls and to write sincerely and honestly about what bothers them and about what make them feel good.
The final product, on the end of the day were two beautiful billboards/posters fullfilled with hundreds of thoughts, feelings, dreams, wishes…anxieties, troubles…The result is amazing.

The most original expressions/messages written on the canvas we awarded with T-shirt with a message: I like when it’s PEACE.
This event was covered by many TV and radio stations in our country and we would like to express our gratitude for their presence and help in making this event even bigger.

We expect we could make even bigger event next year for the same purpose in order to continue celebrating PEACE DAY in our country, underlining the core message about the importance of PEACE for all citizens of the World.
We would like to thank to all participants of this performance including our donors that helped us make this idea living.