Together with partners from Portugal, Austria and Northern Macedonia, BUM has started implementation of the Graffiti Art Takes the Street project. The project is funded with the support of the Erasmus + programe, and is coordinated by the “Agencia Nacional para a gestao do program Juventude em Accao”, Portugal.
The goal of the project is to create unique graffiti in several city locations in partner countries, with the aim of encouraging young and ambitious artists to create street art in the form of graffiti in order for graffiti to be recognized as art. We planned to disseminate important messages about the environment, climate change and ecology, as well as social activism of young people through art.
Conditions for participating:
- To be 18 to 29 years old
- To submit portfolio that proves experience in making graffiti
- Enthusiasm for creating graffiti
- Experience in and interest in the topic of environment, ecology, climate change and activism
- Willingness to make 2 graffiti on one of the mentioned topics
- Good knowledge of English
- Consent to participate in the shooting of a short film that will be prepared during the production of graffiti
The aim of this call is to include young artists who have experience in creating graffiti and expanding the network of contacts between artists thus improving their employability, building potential partnerships and enriching work experience.
Graffiti should be prepared between October 1 and December 15. The organizers of the project will agree with local authorities to provide sites for the production of graffiti of dimensions 2 × 2, 2 × 3 or 3 × 3.
If you join us:
- You will contribute to a better recognition of street graffiti as art
- You will take part in networking between young artists
- You will gain valuable experience and improve your own art portfolio
- You will participate in making a short film about your work
In order to apply for participation, you need to send us your art portfolio together with the document specifying the costs of making graffiti to the following e-mail address: info@bum.org.rs no later than October 1, 23:59 CET, after which BUM will make the final selection.
- When filling out the graffiti cost specification, please consider that the available sizes are 2 × 2, 2 × 3, or 3 × 3 meters.