U ponedeljak 15. oktobra 2018. godine u okviru Nedelje kulture na Vračaru u sali Gradske opštine Vračar održana je zanimljiva onlajn tribina o značaju savremene umetnosti za razvoj društva. Moderatorka tribine bila je Jelena Spasović, a učesnici: Nikola Kolja Božović,...
On Monday, October 15, 2018 an interesting online discussion about the importance of contemporary art for the development of the society was held in the building of the Municipality of Vračar. Moderator of the panel was Jelena Spasović and participants were Nikola...
The world is riddled with conflicts and youth is one of the most affected groups today. The popularization of social media transferred conflicts to the online world, making them intensively exposed to its negative nature. Exactly this is what New Age Conflict...
Trening za diseminaciju u okviru projekta The Visions of Youth Work završen je u subotu, 16. septembra. Trening je održan u Grčkoj, Solun i počeo je 10. septembra. Učesnici treninga su završili komunikacione strategije za svoje projekte koje će biti plasirane na...
Training for dissemination within the project The Visions of Youth Work ended on Saturday, September 16. It was held in Greece, Thessaloniki and started on 10th of September. Our participants finished communication strategies for their projects to be implemented on...